Sunday, 12 March 2017

First Blossom and Frog Spawn

First Blossom and Frog Spawn

Each year there are a few things that I look out for. Crocuses popping up, Daffs appearing then leaves on Willow, first blossom and then Frogs in the pond spawning.

This year the Almond tree has got it's blossom today and the frogs have started spawning on the same day. The Peach tree is only a day or 2 behind.


The frogs spawned around the 29th of March in 2016 and on the 21st March in 2015 so this year with it being the 12th of March they are far earlier. I haven't taken a photo yet as I don't want to disturb them too much. 

The wild garlic planted in the garden and in pots has also put in an appearance today. The Willow leaves have started showing a few days ago.


  1. Those first signs of spring are so magical - we never tire of them:)

  2. I've been trying to figure out roughly how far ahead we are. Your dates suggest a couple of weeks - some observations in my own garden give a number more like 3+ weeks. If sustained it'll be an amazing year, if not then a lot of fruiting plants will be caught out.

    1. Looking back on photos last year for march the garden is definitely 2 weeks ahead of last year. Willow, Raspberries, frog spawn, very few days of frost and not as much wind as the last few years. But it depends on what you are comparing this year with? If you compare to the last few years then 2 weeks ahead, if you compare with average of last 10 years then I'd go for 3 weeks

    2. That's a good point actually. It's funny how quickly something becomes the new normal, but the typical floweringdates reportedby places like the National Fruit Collection are probably based on a long history, and the climate isn't static.
